Dr Michael Doris is interventional pulmonologist practicing at "Hygeia" Medical Group as the Head of Pulmonology Clinic of "Mitera" Hospital and the Head of the Interventional Bronchoscopy department of "HYGEIA" hospital.
His private practice is located in Athens, at 85 Kifisias street, Ampelokipoi.
He specialises in a wide range of respiratory conditions with a keen interest in lung malignancies.
The first endoscopic placement of emphysema valves was done by Doris- Iliadis in "HYGEIA" hospital (May 2014).
His skills in Interventional Bronchoscopy and his collaboration with "HYGEIA" hospital as the head of Interventional Bronchoscopy department and as Head of pulmonology clinic of "Mitera" hospital, enables him to provide the best treatment for lung cancer patients.
He was born in 1967 in Athens and he graduated from "IONIDIOS" school of Piraeus in 1985.
He studied in military medical school in Thessaloniki (AUTH) and he graduated in 1992. He specialised in Respiratory Medicine in 401 Military Hospital and in the Chest Diseases Hospital "SOTIRIA" and became a consultant in 2001.
He was head of the respiratory department in "General Military Hospital" in Alexandroupolis, consultant in the respiratory department in 401 Military Hospital and in "NIMTS" Veterans Hospital. He specialised in "Interventional Pulmonology" in ThoraxKlinik Heidelberg, Germany, where he was trained by world renowned professors Felix Herth and Heinrich Becker.
He was trained and certified in Sleep Apnoea when he was in ThoraxKlinik.
He submitted his resignation to the military in 2012 to set up the Interventional Bronchoscopy department of "HYGEIA" hospital, where he is the lead consultant. His department is known as the first area to perform the placement of endobronchial emphysema valves in Greece in 2014. He resigned from the military in November of 2014 as a General Chief Medical Officer after 28 years of service to the country. Dedicated now to his clinical work as the head of the bronchoscopy laboratory in HYGEIA hospital as well as a private chest physician in his practice.
Private practice: 85 Kifisias street, Ampelokipoi, Athens
Telephone Contact: 210 6995491, 694 4656690 , drmixdoris@yahoo.com