What is Bronchoscopy?
It is a medical procedure that allows a direct and reliable examination of the lungs. It is a prerequisite for this to be done by an appropriately trained pulmonologist. It is done by inserting a tube with a camera most commonly via the nose and less often via the mouth, to access the trachea and bronchial tree.
How is the procedure done?
It is done with sedation and local anaesthesia in the presence of an anaesthetist in a specially equipped bronchoscopy laboratory with trained nursing staff. Bronchoscopy does not require any special preparation only fasting, unless he / she is taking anticoagulant medications and therefore requires special instructions.
The average duration of the procedure is usually 30-45 minutes.
Diagnostic bronchoscopy
The physician directs the bronchoscope to the lesion, where they receive biopsies, collecting bronchial secretions and cytological material, which are sent for microscopic examination and in this way they may thereby diagnose a variety of conditions (infections, malignancies, interstitial diseases).

Which patients should undergo diagnostic bronchoscopy?
• Patients with abnormal radiological findings
• Hemoptysis
• Chronic cough-resistant to treatment